Finding out you are pregnant is an exciting time but it can be overwhelming. In your joy it is easy to forget important questions that you may want to ask your doctor. So, to help you get started, we have come up with six questions you might like to ask:
Is this normal?
If you are experiencing any symptoms that you may think are out of the ordinary, ask your doctor. They may not be aware of it so it is better to speak up now, otherwise you will just spend the next few weeks agonising over it.
Where will my checkups take place?
Prenatal checkups can take place in a number of places such as the doctor's office, the hospital or a local clinic so make sure you ask where your checkups will be. This is important in order for you to be able to plan ahead.
Can I stay on my medication?
If you are taking medication your doctor will no doubt inform whether it is safe to continue taking them. If they don’t, it is up to you to ask. It will not only give you peace of mind but it will mean you won’t be putting your baby in any unnecessary danger.
What tests will I need?
Your prenatal checkup can involve a number of tests that you may not be aware of. Doctors will test for your blood type, Rh factor and any infections you may have including hepatitis B, Chlamydia and HIV. Other tests may vary depending on your age and health.
Is exercising safe?
Gentle exercise is usually recommended during your pregnancy but make sure you ask your doctor before you leave. Every expectant mother is different so talk about your routine and if you need to make any changes.
What can I eat?
Pregnant ladies need more folic acid, iron and calcium so ask if there is anything they recommend you eat. They may suggest prenatal vitamins and inform you of foods to stay away from such as shellfish and soft cheese.
Use your first visit to your advantage and ask as many questions as you can. You are bound to come up with a few after you have left but don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call your doctor or midwife. That’s what they are there for.

