It can be hard to keep teens active, especially if they’re not a big fan of sports in the first place. Despite the distractions many of our teens face, sports can be great for our children for many reasons. Here are some great ways that you can encourage your teen to play sports:
Sport is a brilliant way for our teens to create friendships. It can bring together teens from other schools, backgrounds, and communities that your child may have not met otherwise through their other activities. A lot of the time, friendships formed on the pitch still remain intact long after the games are over.
Whether it’s finding common interests with a family member over a game, or giving your teen some much needed support - sports can be a great way to strengthen a family bond. The constant support that you can give your teen will not only make them feel good about themselves, but strengthen your connection with them at the same time. It’s not easy to find opportunities to bond with your teen, but sports can give you both an opportunity to bond and appreciate one another.
Sports are brilliant not only for your teen’s physical but mental health as well. Exercise releases endorphins which in turn creates happy thoughts, and this can only be a good thing when it comes to your teen’s mental health. Sports offer plenty of benefits when it comes to your teen's physical health. But it can also help your teen get into a positive frame of mind, which will only help better their sports performance and exercise routine.
Not only does it improve social skills, team building skills, communicating skills, physical skills but sports are brilliant for leadership skills. Sports can give your teen the opportunity to surround themselves with competitive people and role models, and learn from them both. Sports will also give your teen the confidence to believe that they might be able to take on the leadership role in their team.
Many parents believe that participating in sports can have a negative impact on academia, but that’s not actually true. Sports can reinforce a positive impact on your teen’s work. Sports can not only improve your teen’s mental health which in turn, makes it easier for them to focus on their school work and life. But it can also force your teen to learn to organize their life, so they can both succeed in school and in sports.

