After you have had a baby, everyone will want know every single thing they can about your new life.


And while most people only have good intentions at heart, you are likely to be asked the following ten questions a number of times, just remember to hide your frustration...


Have you chosen a name?

Curious to see if you have gone for something strange, the hot topic of conversation will be what you named your baby.


What’s the meaning behind the name?

Because every name you pick has to have some form of sentimental value or meaning and not just simply that you love it, didn’t you know...?


Are you bottle or breastfeeding?

Along with your name choice, whether you are bottle or breastfeeding, everyone will have an opinion on your decision.


Are they sleeping?

If they are you can say, with a smile, ‘yes, yes they are’. If not, here’s hoping the person who asked is ready for your cries of help...


Are you tired?

Having a newborn in the house is exhausting, of course you are tired. Can’t they see your never ending under eye bags?


Do they cry much?

Seriously. All newborns cry. A lot.


When are you going to have another one?

You have literally just popped one out and already they want you to have another. Hopefully they will be giving out plenty of offers of babysitting.


Who do you think they are more like, you or their dad?

Of course they take after you...


Was your labour really painful?

You should totally say no and make them feel really jealous.


When are you going back to work?

You have just started your maternity leave and already they want to know when you’re back, really? 

