Big Kids
For everything you need to help your 5-8 year old get the best out of life, from tips about behaviour and development to play and learning.
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Questions & Answers
What is positive attention?
There are always opportunities to give your child positive attention in your everyday interactions together.
What can I do to ease my primary school child's fears?
Don’t try to minimise or belittle your child’s worries just because they appear trivial to you
How can I limit my child's video-game playing time?
Firstly, you will need to monitor and see how much time he is spending in front of a screen and decide where to go from there.
What are the best developmental toys for my five to eight year old?
Make a variety of playthings available to your child to help get him away from TV or computer screens.
How do I get my school-age child to stop swearing?
How you react is important when trying to get your child to stop using a particular swear word.
Why does my five year old child ignore me?
Every parent has a similar story; you ask your five year old to turn off the TV and help you set the table for dinner but she just ignores you and keeps on watching TV.
How do I encourage my child to be active?
The best way to encourage your child to be active is to be active yourself.