Activities & Play

Questions & Answers

How can I limit my child's video-game playing time?

Firstly, you will need to monitor and see how much time he is spending in front of a screen and decide where to go from there.
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When can my child start music lessons?

Different ways to encourage your child to be musical and reap the benefits of playing an instrument
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How do I choose the best books for my child?

Getting your child interested in reading is half the battle but you also want to make sure that you are maintaining that interest by choosing the best books.
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How do I raise a bookworm?

The earlier you begin to encourage a love of reading in your child, the better. 
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What are the best websites for my primary school child?

There are lots of ways that the internet can be a beneficial resource for primary school kids.
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I've heard that boys play rough, is it normal for boys to be always hitting and kicking each other?

It’s completely normal for children, particularly boys to play rough. Play serves all kinds of purposes for kids, including working our social interactions, developing motor skills, exercising imagination, and not least, burning off energy.
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Which educational toys will keep my school aged child happy?

As children reach school age they begin to lose interest in basic creative play such as dressing up and make believe...
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