Learning & School

Questions & Answers

What are the best books for primary school children?

Here are some of out favourite books for kids aged 7-11
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What are the best websites for my primary school child?

There are lots of ways that the internet can be a beneficial resource for primary school kids.
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What are the best websites to help my child with spelling and writing?

Learning to spell can be challenging for your child but the good news is there is lots of things you can do to help your child learn.
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What are the best websites to help my child with reading?

There are lots of terrific resources on the internet which can help to develop your primary school child's reading skills at home.
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How can I help my five to eight year old to learn?

As your child grows, she will become more and more independent.
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How do I choose a musical instrument for my child?

It can be difficult to choose the right first instrument for your child.
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How can I help my child learn about science?

There are lots of things that you as a parent can do to help your child learn about science.
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