As soon as your baby starts crawling, you’ll have to put a lot of time into baby-proofing your home in order to prevent accidents, injuries and breakages.


And while there are plenty of tools and products you can buy that will keep your little one safe, there are a few things you will have to hide away or move out of your baby’s eye line.


1. Remote control

You just know they’ll either hide it or stick it in their mouth!


2. Anything that’s small enough to fit in their mouth

This is usually quite a lot of things so you’ll have to start now!


3. Corners

Table corners, bed corners and cabinet corners; you never realise just how many corners you have in your home until you have to hide them!



4. Anything made of glass

They’ll either pull it on their head or drop it, either way someone is going to get hurt.


5. Table cloths

You’ll have to put away that pretty floral tablecloth until your youngster is not going to pull it and everything else down.


6. Toilet roll

We don’t mean you have to stop using it, just put it a little higher up than normal – your youngster will no doubt think it’s funny to unravel the whole thing.


7. Fancy ornaments

Not only are they going to get broken if your little one gets a hold of them, but they can be quite dangerous.



8. Stand alone lamps

They may have served you well in the past but the more your little one starts moving around the more precarious they look!


9. The dog bowl

Your pet’s food will look very appealing to a tot who has just started moving independently! 


10. Nail polish 

It might be a little tricky to open but you just know your youngster will be able to manage it!




