Having a baby is expensive especially during their first year when you consider the large, pricey items that you need to buy, like a cot or a highchair.


And while there are some things that you really can’t scrimp on like a car seat for example, there are a few ways you can help keep your finances in check without blowing your budget completely.


Don’t go overboard

Unless absolutely necessary, you don’t need to go out and buy a new family car, nor do you need to build on a whole new extension. You are better off holding off on these huge changes until you absolutely must do them. As you get into the groove of your new role, you will realise that you can fit your new life around the space that you have.


Don’t buy double the amount of stuff

Look at what you have and what you absolutely need to buy - some items can double up their function, saving you both money and space. For example, if you have a travel cot you don’t need to go out and buy yourself a playpen as well – the cot will function as both. Again, you don’t need a bouncy chair if baby’s buggy is comfortable or if you have a adjustable highchair.


Don’t go out and buy lots of baby stuff

Buy as you need not what you think you need. You will find that family and friends will give you items like highchairs and Moses baskets so before you go out and pick up everything in the store, talk to them. As baby grows, you will realise that you don’t need half the amount of stuff that retailers say you do.


Stick to homemade food

While very convenient, tinned baby food can be expensive and it is so easy to make your own at home. You can whip up a large batch that will do you for the week, pop it in the freezer and defrost as you need.


Use your coupons

Now is the time to stock pile your coupons. Look online or in magazines/ newspapers for any special offers on baby products. Things like nappies and wipes are a necessary expense but shops often give out coupons to help save you money. Don’t forget to check the back of your receipts for any offers. 

