Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for the safefood helpline experts. If you're looking for some answers you'll find plenty here.
Buying and storing the turkey
Q:  How should I store the bird at home?  How long can I keep a fresh bird in the fridge?
A:  If you are buying a fresh bird, buy it as close to Christmas as possible. You should bring it home as quickly as you can and store it on a dish or tray in the bottom shelf of the fridge. A fresh bird should be stored in the fridge for no more than two days before cooking.
Q:  How long can I keep a frozen turkey in my freezer?
A:  If you buy a frozen bird, put it into your freezer until you’re ready to defrost it.  It can be kept for up to 6 months in the freezer. After this time the flavour and texture will deteriorate.
Q:  Is it safe to put my other shopping in the same bag as the turkey when bringing it home?
A:  In the shop, put the fresh or frozen bird in a separate bag. Ideally you should use a cool bag. Keep the turkey away from other cooked and fresh foods to prevent any leakage and cross contamination.
Q:  Where should I store raw meats, such as turkey or ham, in my fridge?
A:  Store raw meat, including turkey, on the bottom shelf of the fridge. This is to prevent the transfer of germs from raw meat onto cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
Q:  How will I fit the bird into my fridge?
A:  If drinks are taking up too much room in the fridge how about storing them elsewhere? To cool them before drinking, you can sit the unopened bottles and cans in cold water in a clean container for 30 minutes.
Q:  What temperature should my fridge be at?
A:  Remember fridges should be kept at temperatures of 5oC or below as measured at the coldest part of your fridge (usually the bottom shelf above the salad bin). Ideally, keep a mercury-free fridge thermometer inside your fridge and check the temperature regularly.
Click here for questions about buying and storing other food
If we haven't answered your questions, please call the safefood helpline. ROI - 1850 404 567 or NI - 0800 085 1683
This article was provided by Safefood –

