Rabbits make great family pets: they are easy to care for, good with children and gentle creatures, making them firm favourites with kids.


However, when it comes to letting your son or daughter pick them up, it is important you show them how to do it correctly so they don't end up accidently hurting their bunny, or even themselves. 


Make sure your teach your little one the correct way to pick up their furry friend:


1. Approach them slowly and get down to their level. Don’t call or shout because you’ll only startle them.


2. Pet them gently to put them at ease.


3. When you are going to lift them, place one hand under their torso and pull them towards you. Stay low to the ground in case they jump.


4. Support their hind legs and hold them close to you – they need to feel secure to be able to relax in your arms.


5. Gently pet your bunny while holding them close.


6. If they struggle or wriggle around put them down. Your pet may jump from your arms and injure themselves when they land.


7. Let them down by slowly kneeling down on the ground and gently release from your arms.



SHARE so everyone knows how to lift a rabbit correctly. 

