Whether it’s due to pregnancy, age or a problem you’ve always suffered from, thinning hair is one of those things that we try to cover up rather than deal with. And, sadly, for some women, the issue can leave them feeling self-conscious about their appearance and suffering from low self-esteem.


But not anymore!


Not only will the following five tips help you solve the problem quickly and painlessly, it will also mean you won't have to dig deep into your pockets to achieve hair that is full, luscious and simply stunning: 


1. Make sure you eat a good healthy diet

Just like your skin, what you put into your body plays a huge role in how your hair looks. Make sure you eat a diet rich in protein (lean meat), zinc (spinach), iron (beans) and Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon) for optimal healthy looking hair.



2. Take a supplement

Supplements are great at boosting your immune system and keeping you in tip top condition, and they are also ideal at preventing thinning hair. Go for a supplement that is specific to your hair and contains zinc, biotin and keratin; Viviscal Hair Growth Supplements are aimed at those who are suffering from thinning hair and are loved by the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson and Miley Cyrus.



3. Avoid tying it up tightly  

Constantly pulling your hair in a tight ponytail can actually damage the follicles causing hair loss. Avoid pulling it into a tight up-do too often and be careful about excessively brushing it when blow drying. Too much styling can make strands thin and brittle so opt for air-dry and brush-free every once in a while.



4. Make sure you use the right kind of products

There is no point doing all of the above if you aren’t using the right kind of products. Hair enhancing shampoos and conditioners like Viviscal’s Gorgeous Growth Densifying range contain vitamins and minerals like zinc and keratin and can help improve your hair’s appearance in just a few weeks.



5. Deal with extreme stress

Extreme stress like that which comes with divorce, serious illness or bereavement can cause your hair to fall out in large chunks. If you are going through a difficult time in your life try to talk to someone like your GP or a counsellor to help you cope better with it. 



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