The first few weeks after having a baby can leave you feeling both mentally and physically run down and out of sorts.


Sadly, postpartum depression, which is a common post-baby concern, is not widely talked about which means many new mums can feel like they have to cope on their own.


However, while hormones play a huge role in how you feel after birth, there are a number of things you can do for positive postpartum health.


1. Eat proper food 

What you eat plays a huge role in how you feel so enjoy a diet rich in fibre, iron, protein, whole grains and dairy. That means plenty of leafy greens, fruits, meat, nuts, seeds and vegetables while avoiding sugar and sweets. Make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.


2. Enjoy moderate exercise

Exercise is important for a healthy body and mind and mild to moderate walking is ideal after giving birth. It can help improve your mood, decrease feelings of fatigue and gets you out of the house. It is also something you can do at your own pace with Baby. Before you head out, make sure your body feels up to it – you can talk to your GP if you are unsure – and start off slow and steady.  


3. Get plenty of rest

It is hard to concentrate when you are functioning off a couple of hours sleep, and things always seem more overwhelming and stressful when you are exhausted, so get as much rest as possible. While it is hard to get any shuteye when you have a newborn in the house, it is important you ask for help, sleep when baby sleeps and try to put your feet up as much as possible.


4. Talk to family and friends

It can be isolating being home all day with a newborn and this can have an effect on your mood and self-worth. Make sure you head out at least once a day – a ten minute walk can be enough some days - invite family over, or pick up the phone. Taking care of yourself is just as important as looking after Baby. 


