As a mother, you can let your instincts help to guide you along your breastfeeding journey and when to call in additional expert help with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful or stressful. It should be an enjoyable experience for you and your baby. If you or your baby is not enjoying breastfeeding, then it may be time to consider calling a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is a health professional who has specialised in the area of clinical management of breastfeeding and human lactation. They work in public and private settings; they have rigorous professional standards and a mandate to demonstrate specialist knowledge and skill through international certification by the International board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.
You can call a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) any time you are unsure about breastfeeding or to simply ensure things are going well. You can also contact a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) prior to having your baby. This is a great time to attend an antenatal breastfeeding class with a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) or to discuss your upcoming birth and plans to breastfeed. A Lactation Consultant should also be able to provide you with information regarding other breastfeeding supports in your area. If you are having breastfeeding difficulties when your baby arrives, you will already know who to contact and you will have built up a professional relationship with the Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
A Lactation Consultant can give you additional support and provide you with a breastfeeding plan if your baby:
  • Is preterm or premature
  • Is a multiple birth – twins, triplets
  • Has any medical conditions
  • Is in the neonatal intensive care unit
  • Is not gaining weight appropriately, having rapid or excessive weight loss
  • Is refusing to breastfeed
  • Is jaundice
  • Is sleepy and feeding poorly
  • Is having prolonged breastfeeds
  • Is having difficulty latching-on or staying on the breast while feeding
  • Is not satisfied at the end of a feed
  • Is feeding infrequently
  • Is having any difficulties breastfeeding
A Lactation Consultant can give you additional support and provide you with a breastfeeding plan if you:
  • Have had breastfeeding difficulties with a previous child
  • Have sore or painful nipples
  • Are engorged
  • Are ill or having medical treatments, including surgery
  • Your milk supply is low
  • Have breast mastitis or a breast infection
  • Are expressing breast milk
  • Are returning to work and need to put a breastfeeding plan in place
  • Have an oversupply of breast milk
  • Wish to breastfeed an adopted child or start breastfeeding after a delayed period
  • Have flat or inverted nipples
  • Experience any anxiety or stress around breastfeeding
  • Are having any difficulties breastfeeding
A lactation consultant can be invaluable to your breastfeeding experience, and can work with you and your baby to achieve your breastfeeding goals.  
Pregnancy, Baby & Lactation Specialist 

