Wondering why your flowers are always dying or your grass is looking a little patchy even though you tend to your garden regularly? Don't worry, you're not alone.
If you are doing your bit to keep your plants well fed and watered but they are still dying, have you ever considered that you might be unconsciously making these mistakes:
1. Your soil is not properly prepared
If your soil is inhospitable then nothing that you plant in it is ever going to grow. Make sure you prepare it correctly in the spring and allow it rest until you are ready to plant in the summer, and remember to check your pH levels.
2. You're over-watering
You need to check how much water your plants actually need before you fill up the watering can. Some flowers only need to be watered every few days, and if it has been raining then you don’t need to do it at all – over-watering can cause the roots to rot.
3. Not watering enough
However, your plants and flowers are also at risk if you don’t water them enough. A lack of water can cause them to become dry and withered so check your soil regularly to see if it is soft and damp or crumbly.
4. You're planting too close together
If you are planting too close together then your flowers can end up competing for light, nutrients and space. Don’t be afraid to move them to another area of the garden if your beds are looking a little cramped.
5. They're not getting enough light
You can’t simply plant bulbs or seeds in any area of the garden – you do need to check their requirements, especially how much light they need. If they are overshadowed by a balcony, trees or walls they will struggle to grow properly.