Getting the mince pies, carrots and milk together for Santa and Rudolph on Christmas Eve is a tradition that takes place the world over each year on December 24th. Traveling the world and delivering gifts can be thirsty work, so Aldi are once again making sure that your fridge is stocked with Santa’s favourite tipple, milk!
Due to the success of the product over the last two Christmases, “Santa’s Milk” will be on sale in 140 Aldi stores nationwide from today, Tuesday, 17th December for €0.52 (500ml).
Each carton has a pre-written note to Santa on the side for your child to sign before they head to bed on the most exciting night of the year which reads:
“To Santa, enjoy your glass of fresh milk on your busiest night of the year. From……..”
So make sure your little ones are prepared for the big man’s arrival and head to Aldi from 17th – 24th of December to purchase your “Santa’s Milk” while stocks last!
For more information see