Take care of these essentials, and you'll develop a rewarding relationship with your feline friend.
1. Keep your cat safe
Always use a cat carrier when transporting your cat. Make certain that all windows are securely screened. Keep the washer and dryer closed, and check inside before each use - some cats like to climb in these appliances if they're left open. Get into the habit of ensuring that drawers, wardrobes and cupboards are uninhabited before you close them - a kitty may be lurking inside.
2. Outfit your cat with a collar and visible ID
No matter how careful you are, there's always a chance your cat may slip out the door. Your cat is more likely to get home safely if she has a collar and ID with your name, address and contact details on it.
3. Take your cat to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations
If you don’t have a vet, ask your local animal shelter, rescue group, or a pet-owning friend for a referral. Medical care is as essential for your cat as it is for you. If you already have dogs or cats at home, make sure they are up-to-date on their jabs and in good general health before you introduce your new cat to them.
4. Spay or neuter your cat
Spaying or neutering your cat will keep her healthier and help decrease the number of cats euthanized every year because of cat over-population.
5. Feed your cat a nutritionally balanced diet
Educate yourself on your cat's nutritional needs or ask your veterinarian for advice on what and how often to feed your pet.
6. Keep the litter box clean
Cats are naturally clean, and most will instinctively use a litter box; you just have to show yours where it is. Scoop the box at least once daily and periodically wash it with dish liquid and hot water. Because cats also value privacy, place the litter box in a convenient but quiet spot.
7. Groom your cat
All cats, whether long or short haired, should be brushed regularly to keep their coats and skin healthy, prevent matting, and reduce shedding and hairballs. They also need to have their claws clipped to keep them from growing into their paws.
8. Make time to play and provide entertainment
Cats often entertain themselves, but regular play sessions with your pet will provide her with the physical and mental stimulation she needs and strengthen the bond you share. Give her toys and scratching posts to distract her from your household goods. Cats love to play and will appreciate simple and inexpensive toys.
9. Provide your cat with some basic training
It's true that cats usually have their own ideas about how to do things. Even so, a positive approach can teach most cats not to scratch the couch, eat plants, or jump up on the kitchen counter. With repeated, gentle, and consistent training your cat will learn the house rules.
10. Finally, give them love and attention
And they're sure to love you right back.
Image via Pinterest.