All mums know how crazy it gets once the baby comes home from hospital and reality sets in.
Preparing in advance for your baby's arrival home is prudent - you'll thank yourself later on.
These are 10 essentials every new mum needs for both yourself and your little one.
1. LOADS of nappies
With the average baby going through at least 70 nappies per week, you can never have enough.
You might not get out much during the first few weeks so stock up, and your little one will put them to good use.
Lots of baby wipes and cotton wool are really handy, too.
2. Nipple cream
If you're breastfeeding, you'll know the benefits of nipple cream. A good cream should ease any dryness, cracking or discomfort.
3. Simple, pre-prepared meals
Mums are the most time-poor people around, and this is especially true of mums with newborns. By preparing some simple meals in advance that just need to be heated up or cooked in one step, you'll be doing yourself a favour.
Your local butcher is a good place to buy inexpensive healthy stir fry meals that are ready to go straight in the pan.
Just add some rice or noodles for a delicious dinner.
4. Comfy essentials
You'll spend a lot of time feeding your newborn, so you may as well be comfortable.
Set up "nursing nests" around your home, ideally a cosy chair with pillows and cushions for support. Make sure you have enough comfy clothes and clean PJs to last you a couple of weeks.
Wear your oldest clothes when feeding in case the baby vomits.
5. Baby monitor
While your baby will probably be bunking in with you for a while, the baby monitor will come in handy if you need to dash to the loo.
It's also handy when you have to put them down for daytime naps and you want to get some chores done or enjoy some well-earned relaxation.
6. Baby vests and babygros
Yes,those little outfits are ADORABLE, but you'll find you can never have enough vests and babygros with a newborn. They're super-practical, easy to put on and take off, and nappies will fit underneath easily.
7. Lavender oil/sleep sprays
With so much going on, it's easy to get overwhelmed and find it hard to fall asleep, even though you are EXHAUSTED.
Try a few drops of lavender oil or a sleep spray on your pillow to catch those precious zzz's when you have a chance. A lavender body lotion is another good option.
8. A changing table
Trust us on this one, it'll save you a lot of back pain. And after carrying your tot around for nine months, the last thing your back needs is more strain.
9. Hand sanitiser
You may find it hard to run and wash your hands in between all the changes and feeding, so keep a bottle of hand sanitiser around.
10. First aid kit
Things that could come in handy include a digital ear thermometer, painkillers for adults, calamine lotion, gel packs and a liquid pain reliever suitable for newborns. Always consult your doctor about which painkillers are safe if breastfeeding.
Good luck, mums!