It’s cold, the rain is falling and the evenings are frighteningly dark, which can only mean one thing – winter is here already!
As mums, we tend to spend much of this time of the year turning radiators on and off in a vain attempt to maintain an adequate temperature in the home. If the heating is left on too long the rooms can feel stuffy and dry, but they can be freezing cold if it’s not left on long enough – a dilemma that can leave us feeling baffled.
For most of us, having an app that could help us control our heating and hot water remotely would be the answer to our dilemma – you’re guaranteed a hot shower after work and your home will be toasty without having left the heating on all day.
This is exactly what Hive from Bord Gáis Energy does and there’s no need to change your energy supplier. Thankfully, its intuitive design and award-winning technology means there's no need to heat an empty home, or come back to a cold one.
To get the most from your heating take the following hacks on board and you won't end up heating the street as well as your house!
1. Hang curtains in open door frames
Open plan homes can be hard to keep warm, but if you hang curtains or blankets in open door frames or hallway entrances you’ll notice a huge difference.
2. Make use of your door snake
Most of us have a door snake, also known as a draught excluder, somewhere in the home, and they are really great at keeping the cold out and the warmth in. If you don’t have one hiding in the attic, why not be a little creative and make your own. Simply fill a pair of tights with old socks or scraps of fabric and sew it together.
3. Use self-adhesive foam to fill gaps
Cover up gaps around your windows or doors with self-adhesive foam - simple and easy to use. You can pick it up in most hardware shops and it is guaranteed to keep draughts at bay.
4. Cook when everyone’s home
The kitchen is the heart of the home and even more so when it’s freezing outside and the oven is on! If you can, wait until everyone is home before you start cooking to get the full benefit of the heat!
5. Use a rug
Your home loses heat through the floor as well as the roof so cover it with a rug to help retain it – especially if don’t have carpet.
6. Download Hive Active Heating 
It's simple, looks pretty and you don't even have to change energy suppliers to get it - you'll be sitting on the bus controlling your heating in no time!
7. Line the back of your radiators with tin foil
This will help reflect the heat back into the home rather than out the window!
8. Stock up on candles
Once the kids are in bed light a few candles and heat your home the old fashioned way! While they won’t keep you toasty, the illusion of warmth is sometimes enough – and it’ll create a romantic atmosphere while you’re at it.
9.  Don’t drain your bath water
After a long soak in a hot bath, instead of emptying the water down the drain leave it to work its magic and heat your home. Although we don’t recommend you simply fill up your bath for the sake of it!
10. Use a pool noodle to block gaps under doors
If you have a large gap between the floor and the door cut a pool noodle in half lengthways and attach it to the bottom – ta-da!
Now you’ll be nice and toasty all winter long!

