The old adage assures us that motherhood doesn’t come with a manual, and every day spent caring for your child brings with it a new lesson or nugget of wisdom.
Yes, parenthood is one of those unique experiences whereby you just need to do your very best and power through; and while you will learn a thousand-and-one things about looking after a child, you’ll also make some pretty important discoveries about yourself, and life in general.
Here are just 10 important life lessons you’ll learn at the ‘University of Mum’.
1. There is no such thing as perfect
As much as we prepare, and as conscientious as we can be, there really is no such thing as a ‘perfect mum’ – and the sooner you accept that, the happier you will be. Motherhood is like one big community, and as unique as each individual may be, there is one thing we all have in common: we’re just out here, trying to do our best for our families. Oh, and so-called ‘perfection’ is overrated!
2. Sometimes you just need to ask for help
We get it; you feel silly asking for help with your first nappy change, or if you can’t seem to get your little one to sleep through the night. But parenting doesn’t come with a rule book – sometimes, you just need to swallow your pride, raise your voice, and ask for help. You will be amazed by how much you will learn from others, and how delighted they will be to share their nuggets of wisdom with you.
3. Your hug has incredible healing powers
Just one hug from you can soothe crankiness, dry tears, and turn the saddest frown into the happiest of smiles. The bond you have with your child runs deep, and you will always be the first person they turn to when they need comfort and love. Relish that connection and the fact that one hug from you can turn a very special little person’s day around, in the best way.
4. It’s TOTALLY OK to cry
Motherhood is the most amazing phenomenon in the world – but it’s also incredibly tough at times. There will be days when you feel like you are walking on air, and there will be others when you question everything about yourself and your capabilities as a mum. In the case of the latter, you will cry; and that is totally OK. Let the tears flow, let the frustration out, and wallow over a cup of tea. You’ll feel better after the release, we promise.
5. Find brands you trust for peace of mind
We can spend years trying to find the best product to use on ourselves, and adding a delicate baby to the mix can put you right back at one. In this way, a trusted brand can bring comfort and peace of mind, whether it comes to skincare or cleaning products. For instance, it makes all the difference, knowing that a tried and trusted brand like Fairy Non Bio can give your little one’s sensitive skin the best care possible.
6. You’re much more capable than you think
There will be good days and bad days as a mum, ups and downs; and you will learn a LOT. One of the biggest lessons you will learn is just how capable you are. On those days when everything goes according to plan, you’ll feel as smug as anything. And as your head hits the pillow after a more difficult day, remember that you got through it – and you’re still in one piece. Not all superheroes wear capes, ladies!
7. Help is always at hand – if you ask for it
Even on our best days, we all need the company, love and support of our family and friends. Just remember: you are not alone. If you ever need help – whether it’s a few extra wet wipes, a babysitter, or someone to talk to – don’t be afraid to speak up. One of the greatest lessons you will learn as a mother is that help is always at hand – if you ask for it.
8. A kind word can make your day
You know those times when you’re not feeling your best; when you’re trying to juggle a hundred-and-one things, and you just want to head back to bed? This is when a kind word can absolutely transform your day. People say you should ‘throw kindness around like confetti’, and after becoming a mother, you realise just how important this is.
9. You can’t beat a mother’s intuition
There will be times when people and professionals will share their opinion about your child, and they will be totally correct. Then, there will be others when you just know, deep down in your gut, that they are wrong. As you navigate your way through the early months and years as a parent, you will come to realise that there is no beating a mother’s intuition.
10. A strong support system is so important
Side-splitting laughter, heart-warming chats, shoulders to cry on – our loved ones bring so much joy and comfort to our lives, and it’s so important to make time for them. It’s often in our lowest moments that we truly appreciate how vital it is to have a good support system around us, and nothing proves that quite like the rollercoaster journey of motherhood. A strong support system will lift you up from your lowest lows, and celebrate with you at your highest highs.