There is nothing worse than trying to keep the kids happy and entertained when it is absolutely lashing outside; children have A LOT of energy to release and when they get bored they can turn destructive!
But just because it’s raining, it doesn’t mean you and your little ones have to spend the day wishing for nightfall, there are plenty of things you can do with them to keep them happy.
1. Make your own play dough
Play dough is perfect for keeping your kids entertained on rainy days, and you can even make your own if you don’t have any. All you need to do is mix flour, salt, tartar cream and food colouring in a bowl and cook over a medium heat until solid. Easy. 
2. Sail some paper boats 
Help your kids make little boats out of paper and sail them in the puddles you find in your garden - hours of entertainment. 
3. Make some goop
Goop is messy, colourful, sticky and a lot of fun!  All you need to make it is: corn-starch, food colouring, glue and water. Simply mix them together in a bowl and your kids will have hours of fun with this strange, but colourful, substance.
4. Create some masterpieces with finger paints
Kids LOVE anything that involves putting their fingers into something sticky – so let them get creative with poster paint and paper.
5. Head to McDonald’s for a Happy Meal
There are only so many ways to keep the kids happy before they start getting under your feet – a special family trip will go down a treat.
6. Have a little phone time
Most of us remember making our own phones using two plastic cups and a piece of string, so why not introduce your child to this cool game. You’re bound to have all of these items somewhere in your home.
7. Show off your dance moves in the kitchen
Let your little ones show off their best dance moves while listening to their favourite songs – you can even have a small prize for the most unusual moves pulled!
8. Go on an insect hunt
So many weird and wonderful insects come out when it’s raining, so let your kids go off and explore. Just pop on their wellies and a raincoat and they’ll be warm and dry.
9. Build a fort
There is nothing quite like building a fort to beat any rainy day blues. It doesn’t have to be anything too elaborate; draping a blanket over the back of two chairs and filling the inside with cushions can make a great little spot to spend the day.
10. Make your own instruments and start your very own band
Pots and pans, wooden spoons, crinkly paper or raw pasta in a plastic bottle are all that's needed to make your own music. 

