According to recent case figures released by the HSE, it has been reported that 19 children under four-years-of-age have been hospitalised with coronavirus over the last 14 days.
In addition a further 18 children between the ages of five and 12 were hospitalised, meaning a total of 37 children under the age of 12 were hospitalised with the virus, over the past fortnight.
The figures also revealed that when it came to teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 years, only 17 teenagers had to be hospitalised with Covd during this period.
During this particular two-weeks in question, February 2 to February 15, 1,484 children under 12-years-of-age tested positive for coronavirus. 579 of those in the 0 - 4-year-olds category.
However, it’s worth noting that none of these hospitalised children were admitted to the ICU.
This news comes shortly after the government plan for the schools to reopen on a phased basis next month.
Additionally, Taoiseach Michéal Martin has come out and said that crèches “will want to be in one step with the schools,” when they reopen on March 1, he explained on Limerick’s Live 95FM.
The Taoiseach explained that Minister for Children, Roderic O’Gorman has been tasked with working on a plan for the gradual reopening of crèches and other childcare facilities, which are currently available for frontline workers.