Breakouts are a common beauty problem for all ages but that doesn’t mean you should just put up with them. Thankfully, decreasing their appearance or even preventing them from occurring is not too hard. Here are three simple tricks to keep spots at bay:
Check your products
If you are prone to the odd breakout you need to look at what products you are putting onto your skin. If you have oily skin, only use a product suitable for your skin type. The same applies to dry, combination and sensitive skins. Try to avoid alcohol-based products as they can irritate your skin and prompt excessive oil production.
Get rid of sweat
Make sure you wash the sweat off your face as soon as you are finished your workout. When sweat mixes with your skin’s oils it blocks your pores and traps bacteria causing blackheads. Avoid sitting around for long periods of time in your sweaty clothes as this can cause breakouts on your chest and back. Shower and change as soon as you can.
Wash your hands
Before you put your hands on your face make sure they are clean as they can carry a multitude of bacteria which can then be transferred onto your face. Also, make sure you wash your make-up brushes and sponges at least once a week to stop a build up of bacteria. 

