There is nothing quite like coming home frm a long, hard day and sitting on a comfy couch with your pooch keeping your feet warm.
And while we all love our dogs unconditionally, they are expensive and any helping hand they can give in terms of the family finances is always a plus.
If you are thinking of ways you can get your furry friend to work, have a go of the following:
1. Set up an Instagram account and model them
Instagram is a great way to show off your gorgeous pooch and allows you to turn them into a star in a matter of a few photos. Pop a hat on them, put them in funny poses or even video them doing funny things; whatever you decide to do make sure they look super cute!
2. Sign them for acting classes/ movie roles
Whether it's a small or a big role, your pooch (well you...) will get paid for their hard work. You never know you might have a future Lassie currently running around your back garden!
3. Show them off
Sign them up for dog and pet shows and after all that time and effort you put into ensuring they are properly trimmed and groomed, you might end up going home with a nice little monetary prize. Happy days.
4. Create a YouTube channel
Social media is a great way to show your pet off, and just like with Instagram, YouTube is a great way to get them out there. Basically you need to promote your pet (whether it's videos of them doing something cute or funny) and spread it around on social media. Now you just have to wait for the offers to come rolling in...