There is nothing quite like relaxing with a lovely cup of tea and a biscuit, but did you know teabags have domestic uses that you probably never even knew.


They get rid of bad smells

If you have a couple of pairs of shoes in your home that are constantly giving off a nasty whiff, simply stuff them with unused teabags.


They are good for plants  

Open up old teabags and scatter the tea leaves around the soil to help absorb water.


Clean wooden furniture 

Tea is great for cleaning wood furniture with. Simply combine about three or four teabags with a freshly boiled water, dip in a cloth and rub the dirt off the furniture.


Shine and buff mirrors

There is nothing worse than streaky mirrors, but thankfully there is something you can do. Boil a pot of tea and leave to brew until it is lukewarm. Dip a cloth into the tea and wipe over the glass. Dry with a soft cloth.


Keep cookware rust-free

Make sure your cast-iron cookware remains in tip top condition by wiping it with a used teabag.  

