We all know toddlers can be tough, really tough... okay, almost impossible at times. But they are also completely AMAZING.


Tantrums are always well documented; images of flustered parents and red-faced screaming toddlers dominates social media. And it is true; Toddlers throw tantrums. 


But there is always (usually) a reason behind them. They are tired, hungry, or don't have the words to express how they are feeling. People tend to forget that toddlers are actual people with minds, strong ones, of their own. Despite the fact that they can walk, talk and know what they want they are still only 2 or 3 years of age. Give them a break! I know plenty of adults who are harder to deal with than a toddler, yet as adults, we aren't collectively seen as trouble.


"What's this called mama?" I get asked around 100 times a day. My toddler is expanding his vocabulary so rapidly he can barely keep up. He likes to make jokes and rejoices in the fact that he is a big boy who can help out around the house. He loves to help make dinner or "fold" the washing. He is a happy, sweet little boy who also throws tantrums. He can demand treats first thing in the morning and can scream when things aren't going his way. But there is usually some reason behind the madness.


He is in, what so many people refer to as, the terrible twos. Not me; I love the toddler stage.



1. They have a better imagination than any adult and when they are jumping on the couch it's because there are sharks on the rug. Why can't you see them? Would you climb down into a pit of sharks?


2. They are like little tiny old people. They fart without embarrassment and walk with a sense of importance that only comes to adults with age.


3. In their very short life so far they have learnt how to walk, talk, eat, feel empathy and show love. A toddler's love is beautiful! Big squeezing cuddles. Joyful kisses. 


4. Having a two-year-old randomly tell you they love you can stop you in your tracks. That love is real! 


5. They just want to help - all the time. 


Celebrate your toddler as, like every other stage, this too will pass.

Michelle Greaves: mum of two boys, writer, photographer, traveller, secondary school teacher.

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