Choosing your baby’s name is probably one of the toughest parts of motherhood; however, that doesn’t mean you need to cause yourself unending worry and stress when it comes to deciding.


Here are five things that mums-to-be need to stop worrying about when choosing a name:


What other people think

At the end of the day, no matter what name you choose there is always going to be at least one person who doesn’t like your choice. Don’t worry about what other people think, if you have a fallen in love with your chosen name and are comfortable with how it sounds, then go for it. You’re the one who is going to be calling it out the most so go with what you like.


Do they know someone with the same name?

Many mums worry about choosing the same name of a person that they already know. No matter how much they might like it, if they know someone who has it it’s never going to be an option. But why should it matter? Unless you have a dislike towards the person, there is no reason why you can’t use it. In fact, it will be a huge compliment to the other person.


If there are lots of other kids with the same name

Unless you go really exotic or traditional, there is bound to be another child in the school with the same name. Popular names are popular because a lot of people like them, but many mums stress over the need to have a name that nobody has. While there is nothing wrong with choosing a less popular name there is also no harm in choosing a more popular name if it is one that you absolutely love.


That it’s not a family name

Names often become family tradition, for instance giving all first born boys the same one. However, this doesn’t mean you need to do the same for your child. There is no need to choose a name just because you feel like you have to. If you are uncomfortable or fancy a break from tradition go for it.  You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.


That it’s a bit unusual

Nowadays, the more unusual the better for some mums, so go ahead and choose a name that is a little wacky or one that causes people to ask you to repeat it. The most important thing is that it suits your baby and that you love it. 

