Sunspots, also known as solar lentigines, may look like freckles but they aren’t exactly the same: freckles are small, brown spots that occur usually on the face of fair-skinned people; sunspots are flat and light brown (although they can also be white) and vary in size.


They generally appear on areas of the skin that get more sun exposure – the face, hands and arms – and can occur at any age, although most people start to see them after they hit their 30s. 


To reduce your risk of developing a sunspot, have a read of the following tips:


1. Wear sun cream every day

Make sure your skin is protected by wearing an SPF of at least factor 15,  even in winter. Make sure you buy a cream with a high UVA and UVB protection as these are what cause them to appear on your skin. 


2. Stay cool 

Heat can increase melanin activity so try to stay as cool as possible: spraying a little water on your face or leaving your skin products in the fridge can help keep you cooler. 



3. Avoid sitting in the sun between 11am and 3pm

This is important for lowering your risk of sunburn as well as sunspots.


4. Seek shade when possible

Sit under an umbrella or a tree when outside to avoid direct sunlight on your skin.


5. Wear a hat

A wide-brimmed hat will keep direct sun off your face and therefore lower your risk of sunspots - you should wear a long sleeved T-shirt if you are prone to getting them on your arms. 



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