The very thoughts of facial hair can leave women feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed, but there is no need. It is generally caused when our bodies produce excessive amounts of the male hormone androgens and can actually run in families. Other causes include polycystic ovarian syndrome, which can also produce skin problems like acne and weight issues. 
While harmless, many women want to remove it as they can often feel self conscious about it. Thankfully, for those who want it there are a number of treatment options available:
If the hair is quite dark, bleaching can make it less visible. You should always be careful when going down this route and get it done by a professional.
This is a pretty inexpensive method, but only really works if you have a few clusters rather than a lot of hair. While a little painful, it can last, depending on how fast your hair grows, for a couple of weeks.
This is a longer term solution than plucking and is not as painful. It is advisable you get it done by a professional as it can cause ingrown hair or even swelling.
Laser hair removal
If the hair is really bothering you, there is always the option of laser hair removal. It works by shining light into hair follicles to destroy it and while it can be pricey, it is permanent.
Hair removal creams
There are a number of hair removal creams on the market aimed specifically at facial hair. They are usually quite painless and work just like you are removing leg hair.

