Not all ladies like to wax their nether regions or have the money to go to the beautician leaving shaving their last option. While many people assume that it is not a good idea or a very practical way to stay tidy down there if you get it right the first time there no reason you should have any problems.


Follow these six steps and you’ll be spick and span in no time:


1. Choose the right razor

Choose a razor designed for bikini line shaving or choose a smaller normal one if you can’t find them.


2. Trim a little first

Down a little trimming down there before you go anywhere near with the razor to make it a lot neater.


3. Soak in warm water

Spend about five minutes in the bath or shower before using starting to shave as ti will soften the area.



4. Use shaving foam

Never shave without using foam as it will likely leave you with a rash. Choose a fragrance-free one as they can leave you with irritation.


5. Go in the direction of hair growth

Never the other way as it will leave you with ingrown hairs and little red bumps.


6. Pat dry

Never rub dry as you will be left with a red, irritated nether region – not particularly sexy, right?!


