Christmas is a magical time, especially when you have children. Their little eyes widening over the Christmas lights and the excitement of writing to Santa truly make it the best time of year.
However, despite careful preperations and months of planning, here are the eight things that a guaranteed to happen on Christmas morning with children.
1. The kids awake at an ungodly hour
Usually getting them up for 8 am is struggle, but today of all days, they insist on being full of beans at 4.30.
2. Someone is inevitably sick and/or hungover
Why are you getting sick? Mummy's the one who drank an entire bottle of mulled wine last night
3. Visitors arrive too early
Oh dear lord the state of the place.
4. The toys get discarded
So you're not going to play with the toy you begged me for for months and I went to 10 different shops to find?
5. The children get more fascinated by boxes/bubble wrap
Next year, we'll just give them a few empty boxes to play with.
6. You forget the batteries
Where the hell am I going to find AAA batteries on Christmas day?!
7. Eating chocolate for breakfast
When all rules of healthy and rational eating are suspended for the day.
8. Nobody want to wear Christmas clothes
No you can't wear your new Fireman Sam/Queen Elsa costume to mass.