Contrary to popular belief, painting your nails requires a lot more than simply shaking the bottle and sweeping on a layer or two of polish. In fact, there is a lot more to it than that!


Here are eight things you absolutely must remember the next time you take out your nail polish:


1. No more than two coats

The more layers you put on the longer it will take to dry and the more likely that you’ll end up smudging it.


2. Use a base coat

If you can, try to use a base coat as it will keep your colour true for a lot longer.


3. Use thin strokes

Don’t try to make the process quicker by using thick, gloopy strokes this will just mean it will take a lot longer to dry.


4. Store then in a cool, dark place

Sunlight and heat can alter the thickness and colour.



5. Don’t shake the bottle

Roll it between your hands instead.


6. Stick with non-acetone polish remover

As acetone can actually dry your nails out and cause them to start peeling.


7. Always stick with a top coat

Protect your polish by applying a top coat when you are finished.


8. Buffer your nails regularly

This will mean you’ll have a smooth surface to work on.



