“The capacity for change is within all of us and we literally just have to make a decision to start today,” said Nova Reid.
The murder of George Floyd has resulted in global protests, vital conversations are happening online and in person and millions are educating themselves about how we can support the Black Lives Matter movement.
There are numerous ways in which you can help in both the online world and offline. We can all try harder to make a difference.
1. Sign Petitions.
There are so many petitions that you can sign online. Once you have signed them, be sure to send it to your friends and loved ones, share it on socials and encourage your family to do so. Click here for a full link of petitions you can sign.
2. Donate
We understand that people are struggling financially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but if you do have anything to spare then you can make a donation to George Floyd's family. They need vital funds for legal and funeral costs. Click here to make a donation.
You can also donate to Irish organisations like Irish Network Against Racism here, Immigrant Council of Ireland here, Doras here and Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland here.
3. Listen
Listen without being defensive and without ego. Give people the chance to share their stories, their experiences, what they need and their advice.
4. Family
Have that awkward conversation with your family/loved ones/friends and colleagues. Don’t laugh off or shrug off racist remarks. “It’s a generational thing,” isn’t an excuse anymore. If you hear or see someone in your circle make a racist comment then correct them, educate them and tell them they need to change.
5. Read
There are so many books by black authors and stories about their lives you need to read. They will help educate you and open your eyes about the difficulties they face on a day-to-day basis. We recommend The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon and Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly.
6. The Arts
Buy books, choose TV shows and movies that show people of different races and countries. Educate yourself through culture. You can find a full list of movies that will help educate you here.
7. Support The Bail Project
By donating to The Bail Project, you can help post bail for people who can't afford it. Your donation will help them reunite with their families and restore the presumption of innocence.
8. Speak Up
Use social media to help spread the word. Share petitions, share articles written by black women, recommend books, movies and TV shows by people of colour, share links to fundraisers and help make a change.
Click here for more things you can do for racial justice.