A home is a place for you to relax, unwind and enjoy family time together, but when you are renting it can be a little more difficult to make it feel like your place of refuge.
However, while you won't be able to make any significant changes, there are plenty of things you can do to make it feel more like yours.
1. Fill it with family photos – if you’re not allowed hang them directly on the wall, invest in a number of minimal-looking photos frames that would look clutter around the home.
2. Cover the couches in colourful throws to make them to your own taste.
3. Hang your kids’ drawing on the fridge – use magnets with family pictures to make it look even more personal.
4. Use rugs to cover carpet that is not to your taste.
5. Invest in one good piece of furniture that will sit pride of place in your rented home.
6. Add colour with fresh or even artificial flowers.
7. Pillows are great at helping you feel more relaxed in your living room – invest in good quality ones.
8. Add warmth and personality with books that left an impression on you.
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