Whether it’s the purple suede jacket that takes you back to your youth whenever you wear it, or that suede handbag that you spent WAY too much on, we all have an item of clothing that would absolutely destroy us if anything ever happened to it.
And we ALL know just how tricky it is to keep suede items clean.
Thankfully, there are a, eh, few ways to help keep your valuable items of clothing sticky-hand free...
1. Pop it into a plastic bag and wrap PLENTY of black tape around it. Leave it on the top shelf of your wardrobe.
2. Keep well clear of your children when wearing said clothes. Sticky fingers are the enemy right now.
3. Only take out said item to greet people at the door before putting it back into its box of tissue paper. Never have it out in the open for more than ten minutes at a time.
4. Only wear it in adult company. Responsible adult company.
5. Never, ever eat or drink near it, especially red wine and/ or spaghetti.
6. Only take it outside when it’s not raining, or snowing, or sunny or too hot, or too cold... Moderate climate is what you’re after.
7. Never allow anyone breathe on or near it – the moisture will play havoc with the suede.
8. Or you could just invest in some Liquiproof. The solution works by creating permanent bonded layers which form an invisible barrier over the fabric. It is non-toxic, eco-friendly and water based. It's so safe, in fact, you can actually drink it (but we don't recommend you do.)
The cutting edge formula is effective for everyday situations allowing even suede shoes and jackets to maintain permanently stain-free from the rain and spillages.
Liquiproof is available from Office, Selfridges, Offspring, Urban Outfitters, Birkenstock and The Natural Shoe Store.