9 things that you might not be cleaning, but totally should


Keeping a household clean and tidy is like a whole other full-time job! From keeping the fridge full to making sure nothing nasty is growing on the walls, a LOT needs to be done to keep the house, and your family's health, in tip top condition.


And no matter how hard you try to keep on top of everything, there are a few things that are bound to be pushed to the bottom of the to-do list - there are only 24 hours in a day, sure. 


However, the following nine things should absolutely be put, at least,  in the middle of your list - otherwise you're just asking for trouble. 


1. Under the stove

The amount of crumbs and dirt that builds up under the stove can be quite frightening. Once every six months is enough - any longer and you won't want to see what's under there...


2. Kitchen sink

Just wiping the actual basin of the sink with a anti-bacterial is not enough – you need to pour bleach down the drain regularly to get rid of any bacteria that loves the wet, warm environment.



3. Door handles

Just think of all the times your little one puts their finger up their nose and then on the door handles...


4. Fan blades

Your fan blades can become overrun with dirt and dust. If you don't clean it regularly the build-up just spreads around the room when you turn the fan on...


5. Fridge shelves

Drips from the bottom of jars and fruit and vegetables sitting on the shelves for long periods of time can leave residue on the shelves, which can result in nasty smells. 


6. Pillows

Did you know that a pillow can double its weight over two years because of an accumulation of dust mites... Yeah, gross!



7. Car steering wheel

Most of us very rarely give our cars a good clean, even though we spend a good portion of our life in it. However, just think of all the things you touch on a daily basis – all of which ends up on your steering wheel... A good weekly clean with disinfectant is recommended.


8. Bin

Emptying your black bag out of the bin is not enough, you need to give the actual bin a good clean with bleach - this will help get rid of any smells. 


9. Dryer lint trap

If you use a dryer make sure you clean the lint tray regularly to avoid any fire hazards.


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