A primary school in Co. Wicklow have closed due to Covid concerns

It has been reported that another primary school has shut their doors due to Covid concerns.

According to The Irish Independent, Hollywood National School in Co. Wicklow has had to temporarily close, with their 135 pupils turning to online learning instead.

This is now the second primary school to close down this week due to Covid outbreaks and concerns.

Yesterday it was reported that a primary school in Co. Wexford had to be shut down due a worrisome Covid outbreak, caused by over 30 children testing positive for the virus.

Due to the new HSE guidelines surrounding close contacts, children under the age of 12 are no longer required to isolate at home if they are considered a close contact to a confirmed Covid case, as long as they’re symptom-free.

Critiquing the new HSE guidance, Wexford school principal, Vicky Barrow, explained the situation in a letter sent home to parents on Sunday evening, when she revealed that the school would have to close "as a vital health and safety precaution for all".

"A number of siblings have now tested positive throughout the school, and many are asymptomatic," Ms Barrow wrote. "It is now evident that many of these children were present at school during the infectious period [through no fault of parents as HSE guidance was followed]."

“It is very clear that there are serious flaws in the HSE guidance in schools and the board of management has decided, in the best interests for the health and safety of all our pupils and their families, to implement these emergency measures,” she added.

Currently, The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) are adamant that public health measures in primary schools across the country need to be scaled up, to deal with the rising Covid figures.

