Abdominal pain can be an indication of a number of possible conditions. The following list of symptoms will help to narrow down the cause.
- Infrequent bowel movements or lack of bowel movement for two or three days
- Pain during bowel movement
- Hard, dry stool that is difficult to pass
- Pain on the left side of the abdomen
Likely Cause: Constipation
- Abdominal discomfort that appears after eating and does not include other symptoms
Likely Cause: Indigestion
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Loss of appetite
- Fever
Likely Cause: Food Poisoning or an Intestinal Virus
- Abdominal cramps
- Bloating
- Gas
- Diarrhoea
Likely Cause: Infection from a parasite
- Nausea or queasiness and possible vomiting after or during movement (usually in a car, boat, plane, or amusement ride)
Likely Cause: Motion Sickness
- Stomach ache
- Vomiting
- Typical cold symptoms (cough, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, body aches,
Likely Cause: Common cold
- Fever higher than 37.8 degrees Celsius
- Ear ache
- Upset stomach
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Fluid in the ear
Likely Cause: Ear Infection
- Pain during urination
- Frequent urination
- Pelvic area tenderness
- Fever
- Nausea
- Possible vomiting
Likely Cause: Urinary Tract Infection
- Abdominal pain after eating (gas, bloating, diarrhoea)
- Symptoms worsen after eating dairy products
- Toddler drops a place or more on the growth chart
Likely Cause: Lactose Intolerance
- Rash that is dry and itchy on the face, elbows, or knees
- Allergic symptoms regularly appear after eating certain foods (itching, hives, rash swelling, watery eyes, and runny nose)
- Possible vomiting and diarrhoea
- Difficulty breathing (Seek medical attention immediately.)
Likely Cause: Food allergy
- Sudden abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Passing blood or mucus
- Severely lethargic
Likely Cause: Intussusception, Most common between age 6 months and 3 years (Seek medical attention immediately.)
- Loss of appetite
- Fever
- Possible vomiting
- Lower right abdominal pain that worsens over a few hours
Likely Cause: Appendicitis (seek medical attention immediately)
- Lump or bulge in the genital area or near the navel that suddenly becomes hard and dark.
- Possible vomiting
- Increasing pain
Likely Cause: Incarcerated hernia (seek medical attention immediately)
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Dark urine
- Jaundice (yellow skin)
Likely Cause: Hepatitis
- Lack of energy
- Loss of appetite
- Irritability
- Constipation
Likely Cause: Lead Poisoning