It was an ordinary Monday in the Baby Elegance store in the Westend Shopping Park Blanchardstown when the staff stumbled upon a little-lost koala bear.
Having searched high and low around the shop for his owner, it soon became evident that Mr Koala had become separated from his family and was all alone. With no time to waste, the Baby Elegance team took to social media to track down his family.
After posting an Instagram story on the nursery brands account to help find the owner, the staff at Baby Elegance took their newest, fluffiest member of the team under their wing and he is being well looked after. The Koala slept well in their most snuggly cot bed and has been kept busy today exploring the store.
First thing this morning he was taken for a spin in the Venti x Rosie, the newest and most innovative pushchair to date designed by one of Ireland’s leading fashion and lifestyle bloggers, Rosie Connolly. Word spread quickly to their influencer friend and as soon as Rosie learnt of the lost Mr Koala’s strife, she helped in the mission to track down his family by spreading the word to her Instagram followers.
After a nice smooth stroll in the Venti x Rosie, Mr Koala was introduced to the Baby Elegance bunnies who welcomed him into their furry friendship group. Bouncing with the bunnies built up quite the appetite so Mr Koala took a time out in the polka dot Baby Elegance high chair and had a spot of lunch.
As the store filled up with customers, Mr Koala took himself off for some quiet time and read some of The Baby Sleep Solution by best-selling author, paediatric sleep consultant and Baby Elegance ambassador Lucy Wolfe. Mr Koala’s parents will be delighted to learn all his newly learnt tip and tricks!
When the blues set in and Mr Koala really began to miss his family, he decided to do some retail therapy and bought his long-lost owner some fluffy socks. The staff member at the till asked if he wouldn’t mind helping out at the cash desk for a while, so he was put to great use.
The rubber duckies stopped by for a quack chat.
Please share so we can help reunite koala bear and his owner.
Baby Elegance is located at Westend Retail Park, 9, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. You can contact them on (01) 810 3775.