Baby terms for new & expecting parents that are helpful to know

If you’re expecting your first child or have just welcomed them into the world, firstly, congratulations, secondly, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. There are so many ‘first times’ when you have your first child that can seem overwhelming. From the first nappy change, to the first night's sleep at home, to their first bath. All of these new experiences are a lot to take in, on top of that there is lots of baby terminology that many new parents probably haven’t heard of before. 

When reading books, talking to friends who already have little ones or watching family bloggers online, you've probably come across terms that you smile and nod along to but in reality you have no idea what they mean, and that’s alright! We’ve made a glossary of the most used baby terms that first-time parents wouldn’t know in most cases. Check them out below and brush up on your baby terminology so you feel more prepared for your new arrival, or a future quiz!

Braxton Hicks

A form of contraction also known as 'false labour' where your abdomen tightens and releases. This comes and goes, typically during the second or third trimester of pregnancy, to prepare the cervix for labour.


Your baby is lying with their feet or bottom positioned to come out of the vagina first instead of their head. 

Cluster feeding

When your baby wants lots of short feeds very frequently over a period of time. 


Refers to a baby crying excessively or frequently for no apparent reason. Babies with colic can cry for hours on end and can be hard to soothe as they seem to be fine otherwise.


The first form of milk that is produced during pregnancy. Often yellow and rich in antibodies to help support a baby if they are sick. Many mums collect, bag and freeze this for the future if their tot is unwell or to bathe them in to help sooth skin conditions.

Cradle cap

A common skin condition that babies get on their scalp or face. Looks like rough, crusty or flaky skin but typically isn't harmful to the baby.


A person who is not a healthcare professional , but acts as emotional and physical support for a mum before, during or after labour.


Similar to the term 'pregnancy'. Refers to the process of the foetus developing in the womb.


A method of labour, where hypnosis, visualisation and relaxation techniques are carried out while delivering a baby.


The secretion of milk from the mammary glands. 


An organ that develops in the uterus after conception, full of nutrients for the baby. Is delivered after the baby is born.

Preterm baby

When a baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy have been completed. 


Wrapping an infant tightly in clothes or fabric so they don't have free movement. Only their head would be poking out of the cloth, with their arms and legs secured in the swaddle. 


A drug-free way to help induce labour performed by a medical professional, where a finger is inserted around the neck of your womb to separate the membranes around your baby from your cervix.

Tummy time

Laying your baby on their tummy for a short period of time while they're awake, to help with their neck development.

