When kids are struggling with something, they usually use their words to let us know.


But how do we know if our babies are having trouble?


When it comes to their eyesight, it can be difficult to know if something is wrong.


However, we’ve put together some tips to help you spot a problem and the steps you need to take from there.


Image result for baby glasses gif


Do they need glasses?


Are their eyes crossed?

If so, this could be a sign of strabismus, which means there is a lack of coordination between their eyes. If this is the problem, they may need glasses to correct it.


Are they always rubbing their eyes?

If your baby is constantly rubbing their eyes, it could be a sign of eye fatigue. Another problem that might result in them needing glasses.


Are they having trouble following objects?

While babies may get easily distracted, if they’re still having trouble following objects by four-months-old you should consult your paediatrician for more advice.



Eye test


During your baby’s eye test, your doctor may check the alignment of their eyes, as well as their ability to move them.


They will probably ask you about your family’s vision history to help with their diagnosis.


They may also use a penlight to examine the eyes for signs of infection and other irregularities.


 They may test their ability to follow objects with both eyes separately by covering one eye at a time.



Choosing the perfect pair


If it is determined that your little one needs glasses, choosing the right pair can be a confusing business.


Make sure the frames you chose fit properly around their eyes, ears and nose and are comfortable for them to wear.


Their eyes should be centred in the lenses when you buy them. It’s not like buying clothes, don’t pick something you think they’ll grow into.



Make sure to pick up a security strap for the glasses also. They are sure to play around with them and try and take them off, so a security strap can help ensure they don’t travel too far.


Get them used to their new accessory by having them wear them for only a few hours at a time. Ease them in and, eventually, it will become second nature to them.


Praise them every time they are wearing their new specs. Let them know they’re doing well when they wear their glasses, this will encourage them to keep them on for longer.

