Making Back to School Better with Brennans isn’t something I thought would be a possibility outside of the lunch box but here I am! What do I mean? Well before I tell you that story, I need to tell you this story.
7th of June, five years ago to be exact, myself and my partner walked into the Coombe hospital at nine in the morning for my fist scan of my first pregnancy. We left the hospital four and a half hours later! Stunned. We had just experienced one of those polarising moments in your life. The ole triplet card was dropped upon us!
Rushes of pure joy are laced with terror, and I guess primarily shock. Things like moving house, a bigger car, three cots, a triple buggy (hideous), endless nappies, millions of baby-grows and an ethos of ‘will money fall out of the sky’ are flying around your head. We spent two and a half years solid on an Olympic scale conveyor belt of bottles, nappies, and tears. Things are slightly calmer now. Well, if you call marker all over the walls, crackers mashed into the car seats, rooms that resemble Mount Vesuvius, and a volume decibel of 500 normal, happy days. We have finally found our triplet family groove. I was coasting along in the last year, dropping them off to ECCE, getting home and sipping on a warm coffee, dancing around the kitchen to the Prodigy, celebrating my newfound freedom. Delighted with small triumphs.
But then the next obstacle looms. Yes, the ‘Back to School’ obstacle. And of course the cost.
I couldn’t believe my luck when Brennans Bread contacted me and asked me to get involved in their latest promotion that they are running. I have eaten Brennans Bread all my life and now my children do, so the irony of this wonderful Irish company reaching out to help me wasn’t lost. And even better, they were going to help me on my quest to get my triplets to school.
Brennans Bread are running a ‘Better with Brennans’ promotion, where they will host a competition on their social channels, challenging their audience to tell them how they can help them make something better for you, or somebody you know. To get involved, all you have to do is go over to Brennans Bread on facebook and and leave a comment on what you need to make better with Brennans. It could be something needed for the house or the kids, or a friend who needs a helping hand, it really could be anything. All you have to do is comment.
As part of this campaign Brennans Bread are helping make back to school better for me. This is a milestone for our little family, and, if I’m honest, it’s the pinnacle of freedom for a triplet mother. Life will trickle back in. But I was so worried about the cost - little do you realise, as a first-time parent of a junior infant student (or three!) that Back to School time is going to be so expensive. The rising costs of books, uniforms, shoes, bags, coats, lunchboxes, pencils, copybooks, all new and all by three… oh my. It is gargantuan!
With the help from Brennans Bread I am now able to buy the triplets their books, uniforms, coats, shoes and all these vital things, brand new! This year Back to school is better with Brennans.
The ‘Better with Brennans’ competition is open to all. You can nominate a friend or indeed yourself. Maybe your cooker is gone on the blink, or the fridge, or heaven forbid the precious telly Maybe your ‘back-to-school’ costs are mounting much like myself or your child just wants a new sports kit, whatever it is, it can be made better with Brennans. Check out their competition on Facebook. Not only are they in our children’s lunchboxes, but also in our children’s communities too.
Written by Brigid O'Hora