Being a new mum and suffering from exhaustion go hand in hand, but it doesn’t mean you have to let it take over your life, not when you have a tiny person you want to coo over all day.


If you have been feeling more than tired, the following tips will help you a little:


Work with your other half

It is important you take it in turns to look after baby. If you can, why not go one night on one night off so that both of you can enjoy a good night’s rest at least a couple of times a week. You will feel a lot better with one night's sleep under your belt.


Watch your diet

What you eat can significantly impact on your already exhausted body. Cut down on sugary foods and you’ll avoid the crash after the high; make sure you enjoy a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and wholegrains.


Have a shower

Even if you can’t face heading out, make sure you have a shower in the morning. You will feel a lot more refreshed and energised after a quick wash and a hot shower.


Go for a walk

Even if you feel like you can’t face heading out the door, a 20 minute walk will do you the world of good. Staying in the house all day can affect your energy levels and make you feel a lot more tired so head out and get some fresh air. You will feel so much better.



Ok, we understand that going for a run or a swim is the last thing on your mind, but exercising can really help you feel better and more energised. A few yoga stretches or light weight training in your home or even a ten minute jog outside will do wonders.


Ask for help

Don’t feel like you are a bad mother asking for help, that’s what friends and family are for! Get your mum or your friend to sit in the house for an hour while you head to bed or even to take your little one for a walk while you rest up. Most people would be more than willing to hang out with your baby and it will help your little one get used to others. 


