There are so many different beauty regimes or tools that claim to make you look forever young that it can be hard to keep track of them all. However, while there are some really, really good tips out there, there are a few practices that you really shouldn’t do. Like, really shouldn’t do.


Here are five things that you really should stay clear of.


Eyebrow wax

While it might seem like a good idea at the time, think of what happens if something goes wrong. Remember it’s not just one hair you’re pulling out at a time, it’s a whole load of hair... We recommend you stick with the threading or tweezing, just to be on the safe side.


Sharing make-up

Grabbing your friends lippy on a night out if you forget yours might seem innocent enough, but it is really easy to pick up germs this way, including the herpes virus.


Exfoliating too often

Removing dead skin on your face is the best way to give it a bright, youthful appearance, but doing it too often can strip it of its natural oils which will cause an over production.


Ear candles

This is when you put a hollow candle in your ear and light it. Apparently, it helps remove wax and toxins but it can cause burns and even a ruptured eardrum. Remember, nothing bigger than your elbow should ever go near your ear – definitely one not to try.


Brazilian blowout

Used to turn extremely curly hair into poker straight locks, the Brazilian blowout is ok every once in a while but the chemical used can be pretty toxic, causing burns and difficulty breathing. Totally not worth it for straight hair. 

