Being a mum to a toddler is fun and exciting, and incredibly messy at the best of times. 


From arts and crafts to dinner time - it may seem like you spend half your life battling with stubborn stains. 


However, we're here to help ladies. 


Here are our best hacks for keeping your toddler's clothes clean as a whistle! 


1. Avoid whites


We won't deny the fact that toddlers look like divine little angels when dressed in white. HOWEVER, they won't resemble angels when they're covered in their dinner (mushy peas everywhere!) We strongly recommend avoiding white, and other light coloured clothing, when it is time to eat. You'll thank us. 



2. Food catching bib


One of the greatest inventions of the modern age - the food catching bib. You know the ones, right? They're made of silicone, and they scoop up at the bottom, catching any food that may spill down your little one's face. Genius. 


3. Invest in the right supplies


This may seem obvious, but if you want to nib stains in the bud, you'll need the right supplies to do it! We're talking the likes of Fairy Non Bio, which is gentle on skin, leaves clothes huggably soft and gets rid of those tricky stains. The perfect combination.


4. Hot wash 


If you have some really stubborn stains,particularly protein based stains, you may want to wash the garments on a hot wash. Use cold or warm water on these before washing in hot water. Always test to be sure that a stain removal product will not damage fabric by applying to a small part of the fabric that is not easily seen.


5. Feed them naked


Okay so, if you really don't feel like tackling stains at all, why not feed the little ones in their nappies? Seems kind of mad, but if you're home is nice and cosy, there's no harm in stripping them down if they're messy eaters. 



6. Soak the clothes


Certain stains will benefit from a strong soaking before physically throwing them in the washing machine. Soaking stains for a few hours, or even over night in some cases, can help to lift the stain from the clothing. 

Brought to you by
Fairy Non Bio is the number one laundry brand for sensitive skin. Kind to Baby’s skin, mums can rest assured that their little ones are getting the best care possible.

