A mother cat and her three kittens were dumped at the entrance to an animal charity over the weekend, with the ISPCA describing the stress put on the animals as "totally avoidable".
The family of cats was found at the gate of the ISPCA's National Animal Centre in Longford by a staff member on Saturday afternoon. They had been left in an old printer box and the frightened mother had run away leaving the kittens alone.
"The mother was scared and ran away leaving her two to three week old kittens alone so she had to be trapped and reunited," explained Eva Ellis, ISPCA Centre Manager.
"The stress placed on these innocent animals was totally avoidable. The cat and kittens are doing well at the ISPCA National Animal Centre and will be spayed/neutered when of age and re-homed when old enough."
Staff have named the kittens Evan, Bronte and Jasper, and are using the find to highlight the need for all pet owners to spay their animals.
Top comedian PJ Gallagher, who is supporting the annual SpayAware appeal, wants to highlighting the message that with thousands of unwanted cats and dogs ending up in animal shelters every year, Ireland’s pet overpopulation crisis is no joke.
“We are delighted that PJ has lent his support to the campaign. As a top comedian, he’s the perfect choice to convey the message that pet overpopulation is no laughing matter," ISPCA Chief Executive Officer Dr Andrew Kelly said.
"It is vital that all pet owners play their part in tackling this issue by ensuring their cats and dogs are neutered or spayed.
"This year we are also making the important point that spaying or neutering also brings many benefits for both owners and pets, including reducing the risk of certain cancers, having a positive benefit for health and lifespan and curbing unwanted sexual behaviour and marking," Dr Kelly added.
"In most cases neutering is best and we would encourage all pet owners to get their pets neutered, but also to be guided by their vet on when it is most appropriate.”