Childline is currently competing with two other charities to win €50,000 for their service.
Electric Ireland Powering Kindness Week runs until Friday 8th November and is a time when people can do good deeds for other people and then “bank it” for their chosen charity.
There are lots of ways to get involved and good deeds can be anything from giving someone directions, doing extra chores around the house or even giving a friend a DIY manicure.
Once you’ve completed your good deed, there are a number of ways to log it so that it goes towards the charity of your choice.
  • You can text your deed to 51444 (standard SMS cost). For example: “I spent time baking with my daughter and then we brought our baked goods to her grandmother. I’m banking this deed for Childline.”
  • You can log onto to bank your good deed.
  • Tweet your deed to @ISPCCChildline
Childline is the only 24/7, 365 days a year listening service available to children in Ireland and it relies entirely on support from companies and members of the public.
In 2012, they received 771,301 calls, but due to a lack of funding, they were only able to answer 510,003 of them.
Children call to talk about being beaten or sexually abused by a family member; about being bullied in school, at home or on the internet; about the recent loss of a loved one, rape or neglect; and children call because, quite simply, they have no-one else in their life to call.
If you're planning to log some good deeds for Childline, remember you don’t have to limit yourself to one good deed a day - you can log up to 30 good deeds per day, per device (ie: phone, laptop, tablet, etc).

