Dry and flaky lips can be the result of dehydration, lack of moisture in the air, or even an unhealthy diet. If you want to keep your lips smooth and supple, you'll need to use products that contain hydrating ingredients that nourish the lips. Unlike moisturisers you use on your skin, moisturising products for the lips need to contain several ingredients that lock in moisture and protect the lips from environmental damage. Here are some tips for choosing the right products for dry lips.
Key Ingredients
You'll need a product that contains fast-absorbing moisturisers and oils that protect the delicate skin on the lips from damage. Because we live in a cold and often dry climate, make sure you're applying these products regularly throughout the day. Stick with products that contain ingredients such as grape seed oil, beeswax, lanolin, jojoba seed oil, and aloe. Hydrating and soothing ingredients like these will keep your lips soft and prevent excessive flaking.
A MummyPages favourite is Carmex Cherry Flavoured Lip Balm Pot. This product contains SPF 15 and ingredients such as lanolin, shea butter, aloe and vitamin E which nourish, hydrate, and protect your lips. It is great to travel with and a convenient alternative to lip gloss when you're on the go.
Using Other Products With Lip Balms and Treatments
For soft, kissable lips, you can use a lip gloss or lipstick on top of a treatment. However, you might find these products will not bind to the lips as readily as when you apply them without the treatment. This is because any type of lip balm or treatment acts as a barrier between the lips and the environment. Still, all it would take is a few extra applications of your gloss or lipstick to maintain that color.