Deanne Carson, the founder of Body Safety Australia, recently said that we should ask babies for consent before changing their nappies. 


Her reasoning: We need to secure a 'culture of consent' from birth.


"Of course a baby isn't going to respond 'yes mum that's awesome, I'd love to have my nappy changed'. But if you leave a space and wait for body language and wait to make eye-contact then you're letting that child know that their response matters," the sexuality expert said while on an ABC News segment about teaching consent to young children, 


When I read about it on Facebook yesterday, I was completely dumbfounded, to be honest. 



Ok, sorry, but what the actual f*ck is this expert going on about?


A baby needs to give consent for you to change their nappies?! 


Mummy: "Hi little newborn baby, can Mummy change your nappy? you seem to have had a poo explosion."


Newborn: "No, I would like to roll around in my own poo."


Mummy: "OK then, have fun, kid."



Like seriously?! Come on, what the bloody hell is going on?


I'm all for moving with the times and that, but this is just ridiculous, even worse than celebrities branding their children as 'its' as they don't want to confuse them into what gender they are!


Do you agree with this? I am still gobsmacked by the stupidity of it if I'm honest.


Stay at home mummy of two boys aged four and two. Wife to be. I'm a coffee lover and Disney fanatic just trying my best at parenting.

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