Alice Gondelle was overjoyed at the arrival of her baby boy. Her and her partner took one look at their precious son and decided that his name would be Amber - or Ambre in French.
However, it seems the court disagreed with their decision.
When the French couple went to officially register their baby’s name, a Lorient prosecutor caught wind of the parents’ controversial choice and immediately took action.
He challenged the new mums, saying that the name would cause too much confusion regarding the boy’s gender as he grew older.
Forcing them to follow-up with his meddling roadblock in court, the prosecutor made his case to the presiding judge.
However, after six months of waiting for a final decision, the judge ruled in the couple’s favour and agreed that the parents had the right to choose their own child’s name.
But the prosecutor wasn’t giving up that easily. He appealed the ruling so that the parents wouldn’t be able to legally name their child Ambre for nearly eight months.
Infuriated, the community stepped in to support the frustrated mothers. Les Enfants d'Arc-en-Ciel, a homosexual parents association, accused the prosecutor of being ‘homophobic’.
Alice wrote a letter on Facebook explaining their unfortunate predicament, saying that the long wait was unfair to their child. He will be two-years-old when the second hearing takes place in April 2019.
The mum argued that "at the beginning of the century, [the name Ambre] was essentially masculine, now it is making a big comeback as a newcomer for a gender neutral name."
Writing from her son's perspective, Alice continued: "To help me to make this pretty name official, I am launching a call.
"There are 37 male Ambres in France. The procedure is very long and it seems to me insurmountable to adopt a new name at two years of age.
"Thank you for not making any judgement, and I do not wish to start any debates...just that you could give us a little help.
"Would you please protest to allow me to finally have an identity?"
Alice requests that those who wish to get involved and support their son's cause contact her through her Facebook.
Quotes loosely translated from French.