Want a really fun alternative to the swimming pool that will keep your children entertained for hours? The water blob (which is exactly what it sounds like) takes no time and very little money to make, and will delight your kids during the summer months ahead.


What you will need:

  • Plastic sheeting
  • Duct tape
  • Water hose
  • Food colouring (optional)
  • Glitter (optional)



What to do:

  1. Take a large length of plastic sheeting and fold it over in half.
  2. Using your duct tape, close up three sides of the sheeting. Leave one side open for filling in the water.
  3. Take your garden hose and fill the sheeting with water. Be careful not to overfill – you want the water to be able to easily roll around inside, without bursting.
  4. Add some blue food colouring to give your blob that 'water' colour. You could even add in some glitter to make it really pretty.
  5. Close up the final side of the blob and lay it on the grass. The kids will have all kinds of fun rolling around and performing stunts and tricks!


Images via Pinterest


